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遠方からでも認識できる派手な蛍光色の色使い、大きな花、桜のパターン。 レンタル着物店の着物はどのお店も同じに見えるかもしれません。 それは、着物問屋にはレンタル着物店向け専用商品がラインナップされており、多くのレンタル着物店はそれを大量に仕入れているからです。...

What I think about rental kimonos...
The fee system at many kimono rental shops is complicated. Kimono and obi upgrade fees, additional fees for obi accessories and hair...

Kimono for rental kimono shops
Flashy fluorescent colors, large flowers, and cherry blossom patterns. Kimonos from rental kimono shops may look the same in all shops....

Tying the obi
The way the obi is tied is also one of the charms of the kimono. The gorgeous obi knot also makes the back of the kimono look attractive....

Difference between yukata and kimono #2
Kimonos are worn over kimono undergarments, while yukatas are worn over underwear. Kimonos are often made of silk, wool, or polyester,...

Difference between Yukata and Kimono #1
Yukata geta are made from wood, and when you walk, the wooden soles make a sound when they hit the ground. They are worn barefoot. Zori...

浴衣木屐的材質是木質的,走在上面時,木質鞋底撞擊地面會發出聲音。我只是赤腳穿著它們。 我穿和服時穿涼鞋。 zori 涼鞋使用的材料是柔性的,例如軟木或聚氨酯。我穿分趾襪。 方便行走的關鍵是選擇稍小一點的尺寸。
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